To conclude the ParkCalc mini-series, I choose to work through test automation using keywords with FitNesse. As I was using Selenium mostly with RobotFramework, I decided to use Selenesse for the integration into the FitNesse environment. Here is the write-up as I implement the tests.
Continue reading ParkCalc automation – Keyword-driven tests in FitNesseTag Archives: EWT19
ParkCalc automation – Templates for data-driven tests
As pointed out earlier, I wanted to work through a test for ParkCalc using templates. As this did not seem to work, and I got no clue why, I gave up and postponed it. Today I was able to take a step back with a fresh mind and approach the problem with a different focus. So, here is the template solution for ParkCalc automation.
Continue reading ParkCalc automation – Templates for data-driven testsParkCalc automation – A short reflection
Over the course of the past week or so, I wrote some blog entries on ParkCalc automation. Today I decided it’s time for a brief wrap-up on what I learned over the course. You can find the four parts written up so far here:
Getting started, Refactoring a data-driven test, Refactoring a keyword-driven test, BDD style tests
ParkCalc automation – BDD style tests
In the comments on one of the previous blog entries in this series, Pekka Klärck pointed out that another great way to refactor a keyword-driven test to a data-driven is the usage of templates within Robot Framework. Before doing this, we will take a look at BDD style tests using given, when, and then. Following an ATDD approach does not make sense for the problem statement given, but I will at least scratch that topic during the reflection.
Continue reading ParkCalc automation – BDD style testsParkCalc automation – Refactoring a keyword-driven test
Today, we’re going to continue our ParkCalc automation excursion. We will take a closer look on the second test in the provided test examples, the keyword-driven format, and see how we can improve it. Please note that I added an update to the previous blog entry showing that we can improve the test even more by extracting the date ranger into meaningfully named variables – just as Dale Emery did in his article Writing Maintainable Automated Acceptance Tests.
Continue reading ParkCalc automation – Refactoring a keyword-driven testParkCalc automation – Refactoring a data-driven test
Over the weekend I introduced into ParkCalc automation. Today, we will take a closer look on the third test in the provided test examples, and see how we can improve it. Before I do this, I will point you to two great articles from Dale Emery. The first is tenish pages piece where he walks through a login screen. Uncle Bob showed the same example using FitNesse with Slim. In the second he describes a layered approach to software test automation in a very well manner. Together with Gojko’s anatomy of a good acceptance test this gives us some picture where we should be heading.
Continue reading ParkCalc automation – Refactoring a data-driven testParkCalc automation – Getting started
This week Gojko Adzic wrote about the anatomy of a good acceptance test. After having read his elaboration, I remembered how I came up with the preparation for the EWT19 session some weeks ago. We used RobotFramework to automate tests for the Parking Lot Calculator that we asked Weekend Testing participants a few weeks earlier with manual Exploratory Testing. To get testers started we provided them with three examples that I prepared before the session. We then asked testers to automate their tests for the ParkCalc website based on one of the examples we provided. Here is my write-up how I came up with the examples, and what I had in mind.