Tag Archives: agile is dead

Agile is alive

After I went over the various reasons why Agile may be perceived dead, or undead, it’s time to take a look on the reasons why Agile is alive – and I think it will remain so for some time. Maybe the goldrush times of Agile are over, but there are certainly some things that will stick. Let’s explore again.

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Agile is undead

Continuing our journey in the “Agile is dead” space, I thought Halloween was the perfect date to explore the ways in which Agile is actually not just dead, but undead in many companies. If you read my earlier entry, you might have come across the thought that this was where we were heading towards. Let’s investigate further.

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Agile is dead

This entry is a continuation of the discussion I started yesterday. Stick long enough in any community, and over time you will hear claims about the movement being dead. For some communities, there is some reasonable truth to the claim – at a certain point in time. To others, there is not. Let’s tackle some of the background on why I think that Agile might be dead.

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“Agile is dead” – and I thought I had that conversation…

Stick around long enough in the agile world, and sooner or later you come across the age-old discussion about whether agile is dead – as is the case at the time of me writing these lines. Just when I had that discussion again at two recent user groups, I recalled on my way back home that I had that kind of discussion about a decade ago. So, when I came home, I had to digest my old blog entries. To my surprise, I found something similar, yet, seemingly different in my blogosphere past.

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