Several years ago, my parents send me to a local swimming club in order to learn and practice swimming. I started learning the different techniques: breast stroke, back stroke, crawlng, and butterfly. I exercised, and attended competitions. Skip forward ten years, and as a teenager I become distracted enough to give up that sport.
At a particular down I made the decision to stop swimming.
But I felt like I needed to give something back to the community that was a major part of my life so far, that made me grow, that most of my friends were a piece of.
That’s when I decided to become a swimming trainer alongside with giving back my time to the youth to come. I started as organizer of youth events, became a secretary, joined the local outdoor swimming pool community, organized trips, competitions, and dedicated lots of my time.
More than 15 years later, together with a move in jobs, I had to give that up. I never regretted the time I dedicated. I loved being part of that, I loved being part of the different boards that I was on (3 at the same time for some years). If I happen to change jobs again, I will probably consider going back.
Although, right now, the testing community to me has become a second community that I feel I need to give something back. The couple of past years, I learned so much from other people. Then there also were those folks that did the dirt-work in the back. For several years, I have been glad to have these gals and guys, sometimes without knowing it. I feel I need to give something back.
I am going for the board of directors for the AST. The elections are open right now. I want to give something back.
But what? Based on my background, I am considering the position of the secretary. I also would like to help bring an AST-sponsored event to Europe, and finally bridge the ocean from the States. I am quite certain if I become elected, I need to find out more, and I will find out more, and refine my role on the board, so I try to not make up too many promises at this point.
If you feel I can be of service on the board, (and are a member of the AST) I would be grateful if you vote for me. You will find details in your mail that you received for the elections.
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